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How you say India is independent?

All of you known about this day. On 15th august 1947 our country became a independent country from the colonial government. Colonial government rules on india approximately 200 years. By the struggle of so many revolutionaries our country got independence. In 1857 the first revolution activity is happened in india by mangal pandey. In indian history their are so many revolutionaries like mangal pandey, udham singh, bhagat singh, sukhdev, Rajguru. These all live only for motherland. All indian revolutionaries are the real heroes of india. The real heroes of india gave their life for our motherland. According to these things are we giving the respect to these? Think. Apart from this I want to say something about the present situation of our country. In reality india is not properly independent. All people who are live in india bounded with so resons like caste system, colour system, rich and poors and rural and urban area wise also. By all these things people seen so many discrimination