Last year,Tamil Nadu topper anitha committed suicide. But as per my perception it's a failure of education policy makers and both centre and state government. In our country education syllabus was not similar even after that neet was initially proposed to take place from 2012 because of insimilarity in syllabus approx 115 petition filled in supreme Court and in July 2013 supreme Court gave verdict in favour of petitioner. Also with these petitioners some states opposed this pattern strongly stating there was a huge difference in syllabus proposed by medical council of India and their state syllabi. After the verdict given by court in 2013 then supreme Court restore verdict and allowed central government and medical council of India to implement the common entrance test. Responsiblity for Conducting neet is given to cbse. Anitha belongs to a marginalised community her father is doing work on daily wages. You can easily assimilate the Condition of that girl. She scored 1...
Member of international youth council.