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ISIS and Radicalisation in india 

“When a person irrationally sticks to the creeds of his scriptures too much it can turn even a great human being in to the worst version of himself “
Background of ISIS:-
Origin of ISIS which is also called as Islamic state(IS) lies in Wahabi movement which was started in 19th century. Initially it was a kind of socio-religious movement. In 19th century there were many socio-religious movements. And we can broadly classified them as Reformist movement or revivalist movement. Reformist movement wanted certain reforms in the society like Aligarh movement etc. But when it comes to revivalist movement it is meant to revive   Like wahabi movement. 
Historical underpinnings of wahabi movement:-
Wahabi movement derived from wahab Ibn Arabi, so he was the person who brought this wahabi movement was to revive the Islam and Islam traditions as it was in the 7th century in Arab which was considered as purest form of Islam.
When it comes to india certain people were influenced by wahabi movement which was started in Arab. There were 2 main people in india who propagated the ideology of wahabi movement in india. They were Shah Abdul Aziz and Syed Ahmed and they gave a slogan called “Jihad”. When they brought wahabi movement in india they had 2 objective-
  1. To reform Islamic society, which aimed at following the tradition of prophet Mohammed and follow Quran
  2. To establish Islamic rule. 
Second one “ To establish Islamic rule” become the central theme of Islamic state. There idea was to convert india in to Dar-ul- Islam which means Land of peace where (Muslims in majority) from that of Dar-ul-Harab which means non- believers ( Muslims not in majority). In order to to establish Islamic rule certain militant groups was formed like guerilla army and this army was responsible for certain battles or revolts. Like in 1830 the battle of Balakot, this battle was fought between wahabis and local people. In this battle Syed Ahmed was died. And later on he was called as shaheed. After this Battle tittle “Jihad” become popular. Later on this wahabi movement transformed in to Islamic state. 

Presence of Islamic state in india:-
First time islamic state came on the radar of Indian intelligence way back in 2013. But during that time india as counterpart did not gave much importance to this as thinking this is an Middle East issue. Then in 2014 islamic state kidnapped 39 Indians in iraq and executed them. Moreover a map was shown as Islamic state map of Khorasan caliphate, which showed some of the india’s state as its part. Since then multiple Indians have traveled to iraq and Syria to fight alongside of Islamic state and many have been arrested by different Indian agencies. Last year NIA and different state police arrested 75 individuals with alleged IS links from Kerala, Telangana, Karnataka, Maharashtra and also some from northern states but very less as compare to southern states. 90% of recruiters from southern india from the total recruitment from india. Despite the the fact that northern states has more communal clashes as compare to southern states. This anomaly because lot of workforce in gulf countries from southern india. So they were easily influenced by extremists ideology of Islamic state. This anomaly have traces in 1970s when employment generated in gulf countries oil exploration increased lots of people migrated towards gulf region. Initially the influence of Wahhabism which converted in to islamic state very less on indian subcontinent because of historic movement happened in india called Sufism. But now islamic state making their footprints in india and they radicalise the Indian Muslim youth. Many social issues in Muslim population of india is just because of Wahhabism influence and that only Muslim women’s suffered a lot. 
The most dangerous thing observed by our intelligence agencies is that the youth was not radicalised because of poverty or poor socio- economic conditions. They were influenced by extremists ideology of Islamic state. Recent example of this was Zakir Musa the most wanted militant in Kashmir. Therefore, government go for counselling approach instead of poverty alleviation. And despite the fact that india is the 2nd largest country having Muslim population very less recruitment in Islamic state form india as compare to other nations. But we can’t take this for granted.

Islamic state in J&K:-
Islamic state announced through its Amaq news agency on 10th may that is had establish its province in india which is the northern part of J&K. Province named as “Wilayah of hind or hind province”. It also claimed to have inflicted casualties upon Indian security forces in recent clash in Ashimpora town of J&K.
J&K based Tehreek-ul-Mujahideen(TuM) has appealed to the people to replace Pakistani flag with black flags of Islamic state or ISIS. As of now (TuM) Been banned by Ministry of home affairs. 
Recently most wanted militant Zakir musa was neutralised by security forces. He was not just an separatist like Hurriyat. Zakir Musa becomes the corner stone of ISIS because he directly associate himself with global jihadists groups called Islamic state and Al-Qaeda. He wanted to transform india in to islamic state. 

Till now islamic state not make that much strong footprints in india as in Middle East but from all above instances we can easily conclude that we have to control this intrusion of Islamic state in india otherwise it will be the major security threat for us because influence of Islamic state in Asia increasing now. Recent bomb blasts in Sri Lanka was also claimed by Islamic state. Sri Lankan blasts are the wake up call for us.  So we have to counter this influence at this initial stage only otherwise it will be disastrous for us and we have to pay heavy cost for this in future. 


  1. Good you touched the originality of the topic...its very helpful in understanding in current


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