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Corona Pandemic :- Chinese negligence

Global community is paying off heavy price because of COVID-19, almost whole world stands in complete lockdown to save the life’s of their people.

What China did in early stage:-

South China morning post, based on Chinese government data stated that, from November 17th onward 1 to 5 cases of corona virus reported daily. But Chinese government doesn’t issued warning for their own citizens, the first public warning was issued on 21st January 2020, means after 2 months and still Chinese government able to contained the virus in wuhan itself how? Million dollar question arise?


Parallel to this all foreign media reporters were banned by Chinese government, which means Chinese government doesn’t issued warning and safety advisory to the people because they deliberately wants, not introduce the world to COVID-19. To uphold their own propagandas and to maintain image of Chinese communist party, to be more specific they tried to safeguard Chinese president image in global community. Chinese Communist party tried to gain political mileage from this pandemic too. Few days back Chinese communist party organised a event to praise the president of China, they tried to showcase under the leadership of xi Jinping China fight back to the epidemic, Moreover Chinese government published a book “Battle against epidemic “ to set a narrative that the Chinese save the humanity. 

Between two months, November to January 21 million cell phone accounts cancelled and approximately 8,40,000 landline phones were closed in China. This also raise the question on the intentions of Chinese government. 
China is the only country where recovery rate is highest as compare to the whole world. 

What if early warning was issued by Chinese government:-

Researchers Study published in The guardian shows that, China had 114,325 cases by the end of February 2020, a figure that would have been 67 times higher without interventions such as early detection, isolation of the infected, and travel restrictions.
But if the interventions could have been brought in a week earlier, 66% fewer people would have been infected, the analysis found. The same measures brought in three weeks earlier could have reduced cases by 95%.
From a purely scientific standpoint, putting in place a combination of interventions as early as possible is the best way to slow spread and reduce outbreak size,” said Prof Andrew Tatem at the University of Southampton.

Why China betrayed with the global community:-

In 2018, Chinese president amended the constitution at declared himself president of China for lifetime. This makes a strong resentment in Chinese Communist Party itself and popularity of Xi Jinping start declining. Because complete centralisation of power seen through the prism of threat to internal democracy of Chinese Communist Party. 
Not just in China, because of aggressive stance of Chinese government on the foreign territories to enlarge the Chinese influence starting backfire. Classic example set by Taiwan. 

Moreover, last year Pro democracy protests in Hong Kong. To suppress Hong Kong protest Chinese government tried to make bio-agents, tried to develop a sort of spray that could be dispersed from helicopters or drones and that would lead to mental retardation and behavioural change. Firstly bio-agents test on Uighurs
Muslims in Xinjiang Province.

Vaccination propaganda of China:-

China started to promote traditional medicine of China in which bear bile is used which called as “Tan Re Qing” for the coronavirus treatment. But international research centres and pharmaceutical firms till now denied for that because no authentic research happened on it yet. 


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